Some Books Chris Read

2024 Reading List

At the beginning of the year I put together a couple of lists of books that I wanted to read over the next 12 months - one list of novels (and a couple of non-fiction books that seemed interesting) and one list was novellas and shorter works. My house is filled with books - I own about 9,000 physical books at last count - and my Kindle is also brimming with ebooks. The result is that I often find myself struck with option paralysis when it comes time to pick my next read, and I've learned that having a more curated list of things to choose from often helps.

I haven't been very good at actually sticking to these lists so far this year. And that's fine, because they're there to serve a specific purpose when I can't pick something to read, and the fact I haven't dipped into them much means that I haven't struggled to pick things to read. I'm happy with that, though I want to make more of an effort to get through the books I picked in January as we move into the second half of the year.

To that end, I thought I'd post my lists here.

Novels To Be Read

The bulk of this list is the Booker Prize Longlist from 2023, plus a selection of books that were due to be released in 2024. I doubt I'll get through the Longlist from last year, since I'm going to attempt to read 2024's Longlist once it's announced in July, but we'll see what happens.

I kept this list to 40 books, and set myself a goal of reading at least 30 works over the course of the year. At the time of writing this I've read 50 books this year, but have barely made a dent in this list.

Books that I've read/attempted are italicised.


At the end of 2023 I found myself enjoying reading novellas over novels. After reading a few novellas in a row that I really enjoyed I crowd-sourced a list of recommended SFF and horror novellas. The trend of my preferring shorter works hasn't really continued into this year, so I haven't opened any of these at all yet, but I do still intend to get to as many of them as possible.

I've continued to add books to my TBR over the past six months - isn't that always the way with a TBR list? You can never get through all of the books you could possibly want to get through - but my goal for the rest of the year is to try and refocus on this list I compiled at the outset of 2024. In typing this out now I find that I still want to read all of these titles, so I'm going to make an effort to do just that.
