Some Books Chris Read

Quote of the day

There’s one way life isn’t like chess, Bronze thought. When finally you’ve made the last pathetic shirking of your king and the checkmate comes. There is no end even there. The game continues. Forever, perhaps. You can’t wipe the pieces off the table and start again. You just hang there in checkmate. Not even breathing. Maybe the atoms that make you up vibrate a little, but not you. Your fixed eyes look out over the board. Sometimes you imagine taking back a move you made years ago. Maybe there’s still amusement left; you play a new game, this one entirely in your head. You do it all differently. Until you see that you still end up the same. Your opponent’s skill is inexhaustible— deep, deep blue without end. A different checkmate, but checkmate nonetheless. You are still, and though your eyes stare, they no longer see the board.

You are blind, insensate, unmoving. You are everywhere covered in dirt.

-- Colin Krainin, Blood and Mascara

#jun24 #quotes