Some Books Chris Read

The Wisdom of Crowds - Joe Abercrombie

So I finally finished this series and, honestly, I don't think it was worth it. By the end of this final book I was desperate for it to be over and I think had I not just spent a month of my life reading the other 8 books in the series I would have abandoned this unfinished. Realistically I think I would have abandoned The Trouble With Peace and never continued to this one.

I don't want to spend a lot of time writing down all of the things I didn't like about this book or the series as a whole. Very little of it worked for me and it takes all of the problems I had with the previous two books (and best Served Cold) and amplifies them. I don't get a good sense of the characters or the world and nothing really feels like it has any meaning.

Honestly after being a big lover of The First Law for a long time, I'm very disappointed. I know that I still need to read Sharp Ends to fully complete the series but right now I don't have any desire to spend more time here. I'm sure I'll read it before Joe's new book comes out later this year, but right now I simply don't want to.

#abercrombie #apr24 #fantasy